{RDO Women’s Wear Boutique maxi dress}
How amaze is the print of this maxi dress? I know, totes gorg. Tack on the fact that this dress is designed and made by Miamian-by-way-of-the-Dominican-Republic Rucht D’Oleo and the local love factor goes through the friggin’ roof. Rucht (her boutique is located in North Miami atΒ 11730 Biscayne Blvd.) is offering one The Wordy Girl reader a $50 gift certificate so this dress could be yours at a maj discount. All you have to do is:
Like RDO’s Facebook page here
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Lastly, leave a comment here (go cray!) and you are entered for my random drawing.
Winner will be picked and announced Friday, August 3.
I went there yesterday and got the cutest pastel shorts. Love her stuff and she’s a doll.
Thanks for entering!
I love The Wordy Girl! What a beautiful dress. Love! Hope I win. π
Holla! $50 make me holla! I love this print, it reminds me spray paint + sponge painting…oh the joys of being a kid!
love love – the wordy girl & RDO!!!
Love this dress and would love to look Boobilicious in it!
WOW! I LOVE THIS DRESS. So my style. Everything from the colors to the cut. Love that your hair is wavy here too. I’d wear it exactly with a hedband a la hippie. Holler!
It’s so nice to hear that fellow dominicans due great designs too!
By the way that maxi dress looks awesome on you!
Love the weave, sis.
Love this dress!
Love the colors on the dress! You are definitely having fun wearing it! π
I love maxi dresses! Let’s bring back the style and go Maxi all the time! This print brings me memories of time gone by.
Oooh hope I’m not too late π
Congrats to Aurora Rodriguez! You won! Woo hoo!
I was so excited to win! I got two amazing jumpsuits in the store today with my gift card. Amazingly gorgeous stuff! π